With Jules (Brahmini) Watson
Yoga Classes & Private Therapy
Svaroopa® (swa-roo-pah) yoga is a different and powerful style of yoga – the gentle, therapeutic, blissful and supported poses allow profound healing on all levels.
Classes and private sessions are held in my studio on our 3 acre property among beautiful forest surrounds.
Just to drive here is a peaceful experience and preparation for your yoga journey.
Embodyment Therapy
"I experienced a deep meditative state and felt my body relax in a way that I don’t remember experiencing for a very long time. Once the treatment was complete, and my attention came back to the room,
I had a profound awareness about my emotional healing journey that felt a little bit like coming home."
Guided meditation Courses
Guided meditations are blissfully relaxing and peaceful for both your mind
and your body.
New experiences blossom forth without effort as you progress from reclining meditations to seated meditations –
you ease into it, and as you become more connected to your body,
your mind becomes increasingly quieter, and you develop the capacity for clarity and blissful awareness.
The techniques taught in this course will help you to become more conscious as you explore inward to an expansive inner realm.
The goal is a deep conscious state of bliss into the inner expansiveness of your own Divinity.
Brahmini guides you inward to a place of pure existence.